Gabriel RassoulGame programmer

Looking for a job as a Gameplay/Animation/Network/AI/Physics Game Programmer

Hi There!

Hi, my name is Gabriel Rassoul and I'm a software engineer specialized in game development. Here you can view my professional and personal projects that I do in my free time, my skills, where I studied and my hobbies.

You can also find my github repositories here.
(you won't see my modified version of UE4 if you are unable to see UE4 source code, click here to learn how to)

I am currently looking for a job as gameplay, animation, network, ai or physics game programmer as soon as possible. I am also looking forward to learn more about physics (Fluid Dynamics, etc.), online multiplayer networking (lag compensation, etc.) and AI programming in video games.

Do not hesitate to contact me about job opportunities, projects I have worked on or am still working on, code samples request or anything else.

You can download my resume in English here : PDF
Vous pouvez télécharger mon CV en français ici : PDF

ExperienceProfessional and Personal

Click images to view more.

  • Procedural Animation
    C++ - Unreal Engine 4

    A Third Person game in 3D letting the player control the character to do all kinds of actions requiring specific animations made with only two keyframes for each animation and a procedural technique.

    Features :

    Control a character animated using Procedural Animation able to:
    • walk
    • run
    • jump
    • crouch
    • run along walls
    • run vertically on walls
    • kick
    • punch
    • fall on ground
    • slide on slopes
    • other stuff

    Power Of The Elements
    C# - Unity 5

    A TPS fighting game about bending one of the four elements (water, earth, fire and air).

    Features :

    • Elements already used usable again at will
    • Earth bending (proof of concept done, need to be improved)
    • Water bending (prototype done)
    • LAN Multiplayer (done)

    VR Application Prototype
    C# - Unity 5

    I worked on a VR application prototype called Neural Manager during my internship of 5 months at Beam Me Up Games from August 2016 to December 2016.

    Worked on network synchronization code, rendering code, video player code, and other stuff. I also had to identify what was our need.

    The Technomancer

    I worked on The Technomancer during my internship of 4 months at Spiders from September 2014 to December 2014.

    Worked on GUI and Gameplay.

    Chess AI

    Designed the AI through UML diagrams, then implemented board rules (based on bitboard representation), AI (based on Minimax + Alpha-beta Pruning), and console input.

    Done in groups of three over two weeks.

    Portfolio Item

    Infinite Runner
    C - SDL

    Wrote an infinite runner during a 39 hour game programming rush.


    • menu
    • profiles
    • high-scores
    • sound
    • random level generator
    • 2D animations
    • multiplayer
    • projectiles
    • collectibles
    • gravity control
    • difficulty scaling

    Done in groups of 3.

    2D Fighting Game
    C# - XNA

    I created 4-player 2D fighting game, inspired by Rag Doll Kung Fu.


    • 4 playable characters with unique attacks
    • 2D animations
    • Combos and special attacks
    • 3 AI difficulty levels

    Done over 6 months in groups of 3.

Fields I am interested in Gameplay, Physics, Network, Artificial Intelligence and Procedural Animations


Computer Languages

  • Proficient:
  • C++
  • C#
  • C
  • Prior experience:
  • Java
  • OCaml
  • SQL


  • Unreal Engine 4
  • Unity 5
  • Git
  • SVN
  • Visual Studio
  • Vim
  • UML
  • Latex
  • Make
  • Intellij Idea
  • Ant
  • Windows
  • Unix
  • Spoken languages

  • French (native)
  • English (proficient, TOEIC 835)
  • Education

    • Team Member


      Located in Le Kremlin-Bicêtre next to Paris in France. It is a French elite school specialized in computer science and software engineering over 5 years which graduates a master's degree.

      Lectures :

      • Mathematics (Linear Algebra, Linear Programming, Interpolation and approximation, Optimization, Signal, Basis for Computer Security, Graphs and Flow Network)
      • Algorithms
      • Language Theory
      • Compiler Construction
      • Graph Theory
      • Programming Language Typology
      • Functional Programming
      • Object-oriented modeling
      • C#, OCaml, C, C++, Java
      • Introduction to Parralel programming
      • Network (Network architecture, Internet protocols)
      • Telecomunications, networks and services
      • Data Compressions
      • Innovation Management
      Team Member

      Nanjing University

      Located in the city of Nanjing in the Jiangsu province. It is one of the oldest and most prestigious institutions of higher learning in China. I studied there for 5 months during an exchange semester.

      Lectures :

      • Mathematics
      • Physics
      • C Programming
      • Chinese
      Team Member


      Located in the city of Chicoutimi in the Quebec province in Canada. It is the university where I got my double degree Engineer in Computer Science (EPITA) and Master in Computer Science specialized in video games (UQAC).

      Lectures :

      • Artificial Intelligence for video games
      • Advanced Data Structures and their algorithms
      • Mathematics (Matrix and Quaternion)
      • Video Game Design Principles and Development
      • Video Game Production and Physics
      • Research Methodology
      • Algorithms
      • Game Engine Principles
      • 3D Interaction and Virtual Reality
      • Multi-Agent Systems
    • Interests


      Gaming (RTS/Survival/RPG/Shooter/Fighting),
      Table-top Role Playing Game

      Game Design

      Animation, Network Correction, Physics, Fluid Dynamics, AI, 3C, A Theory Of Fun, Game Architecture And Design, Game Programming Patterns, Elliptical Learning, Alternative Reality Games


      Former treasurer of EPITA's Students Union

    • Interests


      6 years of Taekwondo, Few months of Bagua Zhang, Tai Chi,
      Qi Gong, Capoeira

      Foreign Cultures

      Asian Cultures

    Drop me a line


    +33 6 09 34 62 27


    Toulon, France