A 3D game project using Procedural Animation in C++ using Unreal Engine 4
Writing a Third Person game in 3D letting the player control the character to do all kinds of actions requiring specific animations made with only two keyframes for each animation and a procedural technique in C++ using Unreal Engine 4.
Image of Overgrowth's character at David Rosen's talk at GDC14 about Procedural Animation, it helped me a lot to understand the main principles. His talk is available on GDC Vault.Project's Repository
The github repository of the project used with my modified UE4 version is accessible here: Move Project
Control a character animated using Procedural Animation able to:
face towards its velocity
tilt into its acceleration
damp its capsule collision when landing
To do:
run along walls
run vertically on walls
fall on ground
slide on slopes
other stuff
Different kind of Procedural Animations
I started this project by watching/reading lots of documentations/reasearch papers/talks about procedural animation, which took me about a month until I knew exactly what I wanted to do and how to do it.
What people call procedural animation can mean different things:
First, a skeleton controlled by an Artificial Intelligence using a trial and error system with a Neural Network to learn how to walk, run, etc. without falling. People have been working on this for a long time (the oldest paper I read about this was from 1993).
Second, bones can have some defined constraints while we use Inverse Kinematics in order to replace the rest of the bones according to these constraints.
Third, animation projected in the near future in order to predict if we will need to move some specific bones to some specific areas in order to avoid wrong poses (e.g. stepping over an object without clipping through it).
Fourth, using only two keyframes to describe a movement and interpolating between angle's joints in order to transition from one pose to the other, also called blending, and usually used to create intermediate animations (e.g. Walk and Run).
This project is focusing on the fourth meaning of Procedural Animation, the second and third meanings will surely be implemented/used in the future, but the first meaning using AI learning won't be implemented nor explored here.
I did a first prototype of running using blueprint.
I then worked on a second prototype using only/mostly C++, for this I had to understand UE4's architecture of movement to be able to:
orient the character based on its velocity
tilt the character into its acceleration
make the character react like a spring when landing
I was then planning to code myself a system to blend between poses as I though it didn't exist in UE4 in october 2017 when I was prototyping with blueprint.
In fact I was on a wrong branch of FleX (I'm using FleX for the elements bending project) which last commit was in september 2016 and UE4 version was 4.12.
But when I decided to fork the source code (not just pull it as you're only authorized to publish it by forking it) I noticed there was a more recent branch of FleX:
Flex-4.17.1 using UE4 4.17.1 version.
And so while writing these lines (January 2018) I just noticed they did a pose blending system in UE4 version 4.14 which was released in January 2017 and integrated with FleX only in March 2017.
So for now I have to test there system and see if it fits my needs.
What are the modifications I made to UE4?
To understand what and why I made those modifications we first need to understand UE4's movement code architecture. Here is a UML diagram of the main classes used by characters:
As we can see everything inherits from UObject, which is the base class in UE4. But more importantly we can notice 5 main inheriting groups:
Any object that can be placed into a level inherits from Actor. And it can be composed of any ActorComponent.
Any actor that can be possessed by players or AI inherits from Pawn. They are the physical representations of players and creatures in a level.
Character are pawns with a mesh, collision, and some basic movement logic.
They are responsible for all physical interaction between the player or AI and the world, and also implement basic networking and input models.
They are designed for a vertically-oriented player representation that can walk, jump, fly, and swim through the world using CharacterMovementComponent.
MoveProjectCharacter is going to be the C++ class inheriting from Character that will specify a few more things like the way the camera is going to follow the character.
Finally ThirdPersonCharacter_C is the blueprint class inheriting from MoveProjectCharacter that will hold the different instances like the mesh, the collision capsule, etc.
MovementComponent is an abstract component class that defines functionality for moving a PrimitiveComponent (usually our Collision box/capsule/etc.) each tick.
It is the base class of any MovementComponent. It can restrict movements to a plane or axis, handle collisions in various ways (sliding, etc.), and avoid penetration.
NavMovementComponent inherits from MovementComponent and adds AI pathfinding.
PawnMovementComponent is used by Pawn in order to move.
As stated before, the CharacterMovementComponent will take care of moving the associated vertically-oriented character owner.
By default it supports: walking, falling, swimming, flying and networking with server-client correction and prediction.
It is primarily affected by current Velocity and Acceleration which is updated each frame based on the input vector accumulated thus far.
This is the main class I edited in order to have the character move as I wanted:
Face towards its Velocity.
Tilt into its Acceleration.
Damp its capsule collision when landing.
Face towards its Velocity.
The reason for this is that we don't want the character to face a wall when we're running against a wall,
as the behavior in most games and by default is to slide along the wall, then we want to face that sliding direction.
Tilt into its Acceleration
If we observe somebody moving fast, and then focus on the movements of there center of mass, we can see these are just simple curves, and it has only a few rules to follow:
Keep there center of mass above there feet so they doesn't fall over.
They have to tilt into acceleration so the previous condition will still be true in the next second
The tilting forward or backward as the character accelerates or brakes follows the equation of a curve I computed in order to vary based on specific parameters:
The starting angle of tilting.
The final angle of tilting.
The duration to get from the starting angle to the final one.
A factor influencing the shape of the curve.
The curve looks like this:
The equation's curve is of the form: \[f(x) = a ⋅ \sin( b ⋅ x^n - π/2 ) + c\]
Damp its capsule collision when landing.
If we observe somebody doing multiple gymnastic backflip, we can notice:
They are just like bouncing balls.
They compress a little bit using squash and stretch.
There's always a constant gravity, they are always accelerating downwards.
The capsule damping as the character lands follows the equation of a curve I computed in order to vary based on specific parameters:
The initial capsule height.
The wanted capsule height the character will compress to. It is computed based on the character's falling speed.
The percentage of capsule stretching. The capsule will stretch a bit before going back to the initial height so it keeps its momentum and doesn't stop directly which would look weird.
The minimum capsule height under which the character dies.
The curve looks like this:
The equation's curve is of the form: \[f(t) = a ⋅ \tan( \cos( \sin( b ⋅ √{t} + c) ) ) + d\]
The CapsuleComponent is used as a collision shape in order to simplify the collision resolutions.
It inherits from the ShapeComponent which regroups different simple shapes like spheres, capsules, boxes, etc.
MeshComponent is an abstract base for any component that is an instance of a renderable collection of triangles.
Then we have SkinnedMeshComponent that supports bone skinned mesh rendering but doesn't support animation.
To overcome this we have SkeletalMeshComponent which creates an instance of an AnimInstance.
An AnimInstance is the base class for the blueprint ThirdPerson_AnimBP that will handle the state machine, and animation blueprint logic.
In order to handle the blends with some specific curves and make the curves much simpler to edit, we need to do it in code, hence inherit from AnimInstance with
MyAnimInstance and retarget the inheritance of ThirdPerson_AnimBP to the new class.
Links used
GDC14 Animation Bootcamp - An Indie Approach to Procedural AnimationOvergrowth's Run Animation using only two keyframesOvergrowth's Run Animation using linear interpolation to transition from one frame to the otherOvergrowth's Run Animation using bicubic interpolation to transition from one frame to the other